What was the highlight of your summer? Despite the Covid 19, the masks, the news and the fear that the world is going to end. Henny Penny was sure it would end soon and she ran round and round in circles, shaking her chicken self with feathers flying everywhere.
I was tired of worrying and I enjoyed my backyard this summer like never before. I put together this video above to remind me of the good stuff. Everything still grew like mad in our tiny space and my husband had a prolific crop of Butternut Squash, peas, carrots, beets to die for and other vegetables including the cucumbers.
We both decided to focus on nature and we bird watched too.
We inadvertently, fed about 4 deer, 4 bears and some racoons. I barely got to taste the strawberries but the deer loved them and came back for a second helping. The bears were in and out and left behind these lovely "presents" which Dennis had to scoop...well you know what I mean. We may get a feed of corn, the stalks grew tall and wonderful and we will get a few more tomatoes.
We are taking a fall road trip. Weather cooperating, the Fraser Canyon is our destination. The Thompson river and the Canyon can be spectacular in the fall. We are going to draw and paint our way through. Hope for fun in our trailer sans the bears and the deer. Hope all of you got some time to relax this season and appreciate the good stuff...Hope all of you are well. Hope all of you can look up and see the stars at night. I am being positive and cheerful, for all will be okay, all will be well. Amen and Amen!!