Today is a very dark and gloomy day where I live. The street lights are still on and we have most of our lights on in this house as well. We are hunkered down so to speak, and we have food and Television. We are warm and can turn on more heat if we like and speak to our children, sisters, brothers, moms and dads on facetime or zoom.
This is a pretty normal kind of January (weatherwise) for our part of the world and we expect this, but when you add on Covid 19 lockdown, wearing masks at all times when we venture out to get necessities from the grocery store.
I talk to my doctor on the phone only, now and we keep track of our steps with our fitbits.
We can walk on our treadmill if it is rainy outside.
I thank God I have my Art. I sent for more coloured pencils from Amazon and I have stocked up on good paper and I have completed 2 more drawings/paintings that are 22" x 30" in size, and I am starting a new one today.
I am sane, I am getting through this, I am bored at times, I miss people. I just miss visiting with real people.
I will add photos to the Blog as soon as I get some light and you can see what has been keeping me happy. I wish you all safety, good health, sanity, and patience. There is "light at the end of the tunnel" so stay home if you can, wear your masks and love your families. Just think what an unimaginable time this has been for us all. History will write many tales of sadness and wonder. My dad's father died in the 1918 flu epidemic, I never had a grandfather so keep your loved ones safe.