"No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination." Quote from Edward Hopper.
We can all be today's explorers and delve into the world of story and narrative in art. We can experience new feelings and emotions that challenge us and excite us and press us to use parts of our brains that may not be used much.
Will Art help us get peace? Will we encounter ourselves in a new way? We can do it through implementing marks of all kinds on paper, wood or canvas to create a new language of pictures. We can dispel the "blues" and give our minds exciting things to think about. So listen to this:
"One must be calm. Art should not be worrying or disturbing. It should be balanced and pure, tranquil and restful. All art is worthy." written by Henri Matisse about 100 years ago and still true today.
Julia Cameron said in her famous book, "The Artists Way" that, "Creativity requires FAITH. FAITH requires that we relinquish control. This is frightening, and we resist it."
So what do we do?
We look for our creative side, we look at nature, architecture, small things like a cat, a bird or just the new flowers that we planted in a pot. Just envision our friend when she is crying or singing if we would like to draw people just make the indications on the page. "No biggy!" Just the lines will do and then add your colours or designs that inspire you.
I will bump up the new stuff in the coming weeks......Cheers Gayle