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Writer's pictureGayle Howard Artist

Hottest Day

This past weekend was very hot outside. I am kind of sorry I couldn't really stand to go out in the heat. Like the dead of winter I can't really stand the cold either. We all have our preferences I'm sure. Things are easier to judge if they are black or white. Opinions and ideas can be truth or lies, too. So what do we think about on Covid days of self isolation? I think we do better if we keep a steady routine. Up in the morning, make the coffee (I adore coffee) use the washroom, wash your face, clean your teeth and your glasses, and then 15 minutes or so to watch the morning news. I will make my bed before breakfast.

But that uses up about one hour. What now? I have to be determined to do a bit of housework and stick in a load of wash and then what? Facebook? TV again or solitaire? These are terrible choices, nevertheless they are choices for folks like me with pre-existing conditions. Health is my first priority and I must choose to rest in the fact that I am an Artist and a Creator of Original one of a kind Jewellery and that I am one of the lucky ones. I can do many types of art and time flies. I do struggle with procrastination, but I am realizing that I am blessed, and that procrastination is kind of selfish because it keeps me from contributing to life. I criticise myself and have big battles with myself about trying to form images that mean something but through this partial isolation I am improving and I can sit now in relative peace. I have found that I try too hard sometimes and that generally does not serve you well when you are in the Art field. I have begun some practice oil paintings. I have an old School Painting book that has step by step illustrations and picture demonstrations about oil Painting. I have gone through 3 lessons. I have learned a lot from this and this book has perked up my enthusiasm to do Oil Painting again.

So there you go then......I filled up my day, my week and I am ready to tackle the rest of this month.

How about you? How are you doing? take a read of my Create Page, maybe this will Perk you up too. Just Try it!!!

P.S. I hope to add more ideas to the create page soon.......regards Gayle

This lone Sycamore tree was found in the middle of the Arizona Desert, strange.

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